Ever had one of those days where your child’s energy seems to double while yours is on empty?
It’s like they have a turbo button we don’t know about!
Catching some z’s is the ultimate secret weapon for reigning in those rambunctious antics.
Because being a parent is exhausting enough when you can sleep, let alone when you can’t.
The Vicious Cycle
You may have been dreaming of your bed all day and no matter how burnt out and exhausted you feel, the moment your head hits that pillow, your mind will suddenly become wide awake.
Overthinking, wondering if there’s any point anymore, or doubting yourself all play a role. Leaving you staring at the ceiling, feeling anxious and overwhelmed, rather than falling into a deep slumber.
This creates a cycle of staying up late worrying about the future, ruminating about the past or thinking of tasks or To do’s not done. This makes you anxious, drained, demotivated and wanting to nap the next day.
But you’re not alone. This is typical of many mums. But you don’t have to suffer from insomnia. There are things you can do to help you get a quality night’s sleep.
The 4 Enemies to Achieving Quality Sleep
There are 4 enemies to achieving quality sleep that we can change.
These are;
Physical comfort
Working on improving these will help you manage your child’s behaviour the next day better. Children’s behaviour can seem more challenging when you’re tired, so this World Sleep Day, instead of diving into managing emotions or behaviours, let’s dish out some tips to score that sweet, uninterrupted snooze.
Sleep Tip 1- Write it down!
In the quiet loneliness of night, all your worries about the past, present, and future become magnified. Keep a pen and paper next to your bed and when those concerns race through your head, write them down to reassure your mind they’ll be dealt with. This files them away for tomorrow, allowing your mind to switch off and sleep.
Using self hypnosis or guided meditations before bed will also help ease your mind.
Sleep Tip 2- Nap
Lack of sleep is accumulative, so it’s important to catch up on lost sleep when you can.
To improve your mood, cognitive abilities and relieve tiredness, a power nap can work wonders. For a restorative boost to your energy levels and productivity, take a quick 15-minute catnap. You’ll reap the benefits for up to three hours later. But be aware that naps any longer can make you feel drowsy for at least an hour later.
Deep sleep can make you feel worse, but it can help if you need energy for something later.
Avoid napping over 45 minutes, as this can negatively affect your nighttime sleep.
It’s a good idea to set the alarm on your phone to make sure you don’t over nap.
Sleep Tip 3 -Be Mindful of What You Eat or Drink
Avoid sugary and stimulant substances, such as alcohol, coffee, tea and chocolate, as these can cause chronic fatigue. And avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol 3-4 hours before bed as they can act as diuretics and make you wee more during the night.
Include more vitamin C into your diet and healthy, antioxidant-rich foods.
Sleep Tip 4 – Change Your Environment
Boosting your sleep game is often as simple as tweaking your surroundings. But first, you gotta pinpoint what needs fixing. Let’s talk about the usual suspects that sabotage our precious shut-eye.
- Light from outside such as a neighbour’s security light or street lamp
- Light in the bedroom such as a tv on standby or an LED alarm clock
- Noise from outside such as car alarms going off or dogs barking
- Noise in the bedroom room such as a ticking of a clock or partner snoring
- Physical disturbances by a restless partner whose all arms and legs or a toddler or pet with no concept of time
- Uncomfortable pillow or mattress
- Feeling too hot or too cold at night
Can you identify any culprits keeping you awake from this list?
If so, take steps to change the ones you can now.
Sleep Tip 5 – Invest in the Bedroom
Your bedroom needs to be a peaceful place of sanctuary.
Often, we leave decorating our own bedrooms last on our list, but this should be the first room to receive your tender love and care. After all, you will spend one third of your life asleep. That’s an unbelievable 26 years on average!
There’s no better time to renew your mattress, bedclothes and your pillows than now!
Comfort is crucial for this heavenly retreat we call bed, so investing in this is a true investment in your health and wellbeing. Satin sheets are great for their anti-aging properties and romantic nights, but cotton with a high thread count is the key to a peaceful slumber.
When was the last time you decorated your bedroom?
If decorating and investing in a new bed isn’t possible right now, it could be time for rearranging your current furniture.
And when was the last time you had a good decluttering and deep clean?
You literally sleep better when you’ve cleaned and decluttered your bedroom. And fresh bed linen is always a joy!
Stop what you’re doing now and go declutter and clean your bedroom.
You may even find some clothes or belongings that you can sell on and make some money towards new bedroom furnishings or bedding.
You know how it goes – a thousand things can mess with your sleep. It’s usually a mix of stuff that needs fixing. Some like that noisy neighbour’s car alarm, that keeps waking you up in the middle of the night or the dog down the street that’s constantly barking. It’s annoying, but a quick chat with the neighbour usually fixes it.
Everybody experiences times when they can’t sleep at night, but if it’s ongoing and not to do with physical factors, such as temperature, or something you can identify with, such as pain, you need to find out the cause. Talking to your GP, a hypnotherapist or counsellor can help.
Ready Muma, to reclaim your nights and wake up refreshed?
Drop me a line at [email protected] and let’s kick start your journey to sweet dreams and revitalized mornings!
Don’t let sleepless nights hold you back – take the first step towards better sleep today!
Much love, Em x
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