This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and the focus this year is on ‘Movement: for our mental health’.
Having just returned from a truly amazing adventure around Thailand, I’ve realised 3 things.
- I’ve been exhausted.
- I’m not immune to burnout.
- Having a change of scenery, travelling and new experiences can help you to move your body and mind and relax, restore and reset.
Unfortunately, being depleted of energy can lead to chronic long-term illness. And stress, anxiety, and depression can also contribute to preventable health issues.
According to this quote from Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 - Mental Health UK (mentalhealth-uk.org)
‘Sadly, people living with mental illness die on average 20 years younger than the general population, often from avoidable physical illness. This group is more likely to develop preventable conditions like diabetes, heart disease, bowel cancer and breast cancer.’
The last thing muma’s want to do when they are already exhausted is to exercise, but movement is the very thing your body needs.
Energy produces energy!
When you’re feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, your body just can’t fight off infections and healthy habits fall by the wayside. This is when low mood, brain fog, and constant stress or anxiety occur.
You may not notice the subtle signs to begin with. You just feel a bit stressed, then a bit more tired than usual, then boom!
Life gets overwhelming and you end up feeling physically /mentally unwell.
You won’t always get a diagnosis from the doctor, but if you feel like this already, then seek medical advice from your GP.
It’s a good idea to get your blood pressure checked too, as high blood pressure can make you feel more tired than usual.
Also, get your GP to check your iron levels, as many women are anaemic and don’t even know it.
Get Snacking!
Red meat and green leafy veg can help, but you may need an iron supplement. You should also look at including magnesium-rich foods in your diet, as this will increase your energy and promote healthy muscles by helping them to relax. Good to help with PMS and important for heart muscles and your nervous system. So, if you have any muscle weakness, suffer from insomnia, nervousness, depression or high blood pressure, get snacking on some nuts, especially almonds, cashew, brazil or peanuts. Also include more cooked beans, green peas, potato skin and garlic into your meals.
If you’re feeling on the edge of burnout, worn down by the relentless demands of life, and you know it’s taking its toll, then it’s time to prioritize yourself. Taking a break and getting away can be the breath of fresh air you need to recharge and reset.
Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that there’s a big wide world out there. And there’s also fun, adventure and relaxation to be had.
Adventure Awaits
Recall the boundless sense of joy, freedom, and endless possibility you experienced as a child. If you’ve been yearning to reconnect with that feeling, then it’s time to book a holiday to somewhere you’ve never been. Your energy levels will soar in new surroundings.
It won’t take all your troubles away. They’ll still be there waiting for you when you return, so don’t worry. But what it will do is give you a bit of distance from them. When you can stand back and look at the things that are bothering you, you’ll soon see most of them are insignificant.
It’s not uncommon to find yourself lying awake for hours, consumed by worries that, upon waking, seem trivial and unnecessary. Without gaining a clearer perspective, this cycle can become a part of your daily life. Creating distance from these concerns can offer valuable insight and help restore a sense of balance.
Also, being free from everyday demands to just lay on the beach or visit places of interest, allows you to relax and restore. So, when you get back to your real life again, you’ll find yourself better prepared to tackle life’s challenges with renewed energy and clarity.
Need a break but can’t get away right now?
No problem!
Make where you live a place of adventure. Try carving out some U-time from your busy schedule for day trips to unexplored places nearby. There are so many hidden gems on your doorstep to discover.
A simple stroll and being in nature will do you and your mental and physical health the world of good. It encourages mindfulness and relaxation, allowing you to escape from the stressors of daily life and focus on the present moment.
Don’t we all want to be more present parents and savour each day of our lives?
I know it’s not always easy to get out and about with a baby and a toddler in tow.
A simple picnic in the park can mean packing like you’re going on a week’s holiday when there’s nappies, wipes, bottles, bibs, teddys, blankets, teethers, dummy’s, spare clothes, and then food and drinks!
But that’s the ultimate body workout! And that will get you moving in the right direction.
Just Take the First Step
Even small moves or tweaks can change your mindset and mood. It gets you unstuck and out of a physical and mental rut.
That’s why when I’m overwhelmed and consumed with things to do, I just take action to do one small thing, then the next. And that first small step builds momentum and instantly, I feel a whole lot better than I did just sitting there thinking about everything I have to do.
You really don’t need to venture far to move your body and mind.
If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, when the baby’s sleeping, why not do some gardening?
If old enough, get the little ones to help, they just love watering cans!
Gardening offers a unique way to engage in physical activity while connecting with nature. Digging, planting, weeding, and watering all contribute to a full-body workout, and the sense of accomplishment from nurturing plants can boost mood and self-esteem.
Soaking up some sun while doing outdoor activities also helps your body make vitamin D, which is important for your overall health, including your mental well-being.
So, no need to sweat it out at the gym, just move any way that suits you. All that matters is that you move to improve your mood.
Can’t get out or you’re stuck in a rut but longing for a reset?
Then I’ve got an incredible opportunity just for you!
If endless worries keep you up at night, if overwhelming stress has you teetering on the edge of burnout, then this is your chance to take back control.
I’m searching for 5 amazing muma’s to be the first to experience my exclusive From Burnout to Being online Meditation course - and guess what? It’s absolutely FREE!
All I ask in return is your honest feedback on how it has helped you or any suggestions for improvement while we’re in the recording phase.
I’m so excited to share this with you as it’s a project I’ve been working on for some time.
Ready to reclaim your peace of mind?
Simply send me an email at [email protected] with a quick note about what you’re struggling with most and let’s embark on this transformative journey together and I’ll be in touch.
Keep Moving Muma. Small steps lead to big changes!
Much love, Em x
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