How to Let Go of Control This World Mental Health Day Guided Meditation for Fearless Mums

allowing guided meditation for mums anxiety relief letting go meditation mental health mental health awareness mental health for mums mindful parenting mum guilt mumatherapy parental burnout parenting present parenting reduce stress relaxation theuurselfroutine u time us time world mental health day Oct 10, 2024

This World Mental Health Day, take some ‘U Time’ to relax, restore, and reset.

As mums, we’re always focused on making sure our children are happy and healthy—but how often do we pause to check in on ourselves? World Mental Health Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on our well-being and take small, meaningful steps to improve not only our own mental health but also that of our children.

We get so caught up in doing that we forget to simply be.

The first step to better mental health is reducing stress. While you might not be able to hit pause on your parenting duties, you can still create pockets of time for relaxation—even if it’s just a few minutes while your child is playing nearby.

Slowing down and resting is essential to prevent parental burnout and enhance your overall well-being. Remember, a stressed muma affects her child’s emotional health too. So, depending on your child’s age, spend some ‘Us Time’ together. Smile and laugh with your little one, even if you don’t feel like it—especially if you don’t feel like it. Smiling and laughing release feel-good chemicals in the body that lift your spirits and energise you.

Try this today: Put on some upbeat music and dance around the room with your child. Sing loudly, make big, silly movements, and let go of any inhibitions. Physical activity can do wonders for boosting your mood and energy levels.

Sometimes, being a mum can feel more like a chore than a joy. But when you allow yourself to have fun and go with the flow, parenting starts to feel more like a vacation than a vocation. Mum guilt fades away when you’re genuinely present and enjoying the moment with your child. This, in turn, helps reduce overall stress.

Give yourself permission to rest, guilt-free.

It’s natural to feel like you always need to be ‘on,’ but today, allow yourself to switch off—even if it’s just for half an hour. Hopefully, after all that dancing and laughter, your baby or toddler will need a nap, giving you a chance to unwind too.

If your child is older and doesn’t nap anymore, snuggle up on the sofa with a blanket and enjoy some quiet time together. Or find them a toy or activity they love that will occupy them safely for a while. Then, head over to YouTube and try my Allowing Guided Meditation for Mums.

In this soothing 18-minute session, I’ll guide you through the art of letting go—of control and of stress, so you can become the calm, centred mum you want to be—without being controlling. Allow yourself to feel lighter, more present, and empowered to embrace parenting with greater ease and clarity.

Let go of those constant worries, release any tension, and sink into a state of peaceful awareness. When you give yourself permission to simply be—without needing to control every moment—your children will thrive and grow in a space of love and understanding.

🎧 Listen now to quiet your mind, connect with your inner Mum-zen, and practice being the mindful, present parent you want to be.


I created this meditation to help you feel less stressed and more relaxed, so you’re better equipped to handle the inevitable chaos that erupts later. Turn off your notifications, put your phone on Do Not Disturb, and allow yourself this small window of time. It’s far more beneficial than scrolling through social media for half an hour, wondering where your time went.

Mental health is an ongoing journey, and prioritizing your own sends a powerful message to your child: that it’s okay to rest, express emotions, seek support, and practice self-care. Include activities like mindfulness, exercise, meditation, hypnosis, or yoga into your daily routine to reduce stress and anxiety. Encourage your child to create a daily ‘U Time’ routine for themselves too—children of all ages can benefit from these practices.

Create a calm corner in your home—a cozy space where you can do yoga or meditate together. Add soft blankets, textured cushions, and an aromatherapy diffuser with calming essential oils like lavender to create a haven of peace and tranquillity. It’s a safer alternative to candles and can be left unattended without posing a fire risk (although I don’t recommend using diffusers if you have a baby under 12 months).

Remember: It’s the small, consistent things you do each day that make the biggest difference to your mental health. Take small steps and go easy on yourself. If you or your child are struggling, World Mental Health Day is an ideal time to connect with others, seek resources, and ask for help when needed.

Whether it’s taking half an hour out to simply listen to a meditation, reaching out to a friend, finding a therapist, or taking a few moments to breathe deeply—nurturing your mental health is a gift to yourself and your family.

Stay present, Muma!
Much love,
Em x

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